Saturday, 16 February 2008


I did forget (remember that word - forget - its a recurring theme) to mention that i've come to an agreement with another ybw'er to mutual benefit.... I have a GPS ST50 unit that is of little practical value to me, but don't want to renmove it as it'd leave a hole above the chart table... the only key piece of info that I don't have at the chart table that would be useful is a compass heading..... and as it happens another forumite has an ST50 compass unit that is surplus to requirements, yet would quite like a GPS unit..... a match made in heaven!So we've agreed to swap.... he's recovered his compass, and today, I was to recover the GPS unit..... only...... yes.... that 'remember 'word..... ah.... dreadfully sorry Nick.... i'm just glad its not a rush job for you, otherwise, i'd be doing a 200mile round trip for it...... :(I won't forget next time.... promise....Also... one other thing that I haven't mentioned.... I think i've layed my hands on spinnaker pole..... its telescopic from 3.5m to 5.5m.... its currently with a 32'er, but a bit heavy for that, so could be ideal for Morgana.....I hear you all aski, why on earth does he want a spinnaker pole... he doesn't have a spinnaker....!OK.... I want it to firstly pole out the genny in light winds, but probably more importantly, to use as part of an emergency steering arrangement should the rudder fail...... last years steering failure drama brought home my lack of emergency options.... so it'll be a pole with a sole board u-bolted to it....

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