Monday, 26 September 2011

switch panel

Rather pleased with myself...

I spent several hours on Sunday, carefully marking out my switch panel on a sheet of aluminium, and then decided to bite the bullet, and got out my Dremel, and engraved it myself... (after quite a few practice runs on a few scraps, tetsing technique and painting/lacquering/engraving order).

Its still got work to be done, but it looks rather good even if I do say so myself!


  1. Hi there,

    I'd love to see a before and after of the back of your instrument panel... I'm about to go through this process myself. A couple of people were quoting over £700 at the boat show to get one made up.



  2. Will gladly do so.

    The 'after' pics will take a while, but the 'before' will deal with next time i'm on the boat. Basically it'll be spagheeti, plus a mix of various switch types, some functional, some not!

    I reckon the whole panel will have cost less than £100, excluding the new fuse boxes.

    I've gone for blade fuses, rather than breakers, simply to keep the cost under control!
