Wednesday, 15 March 2006

bit of time off

Managed to get tommorrow afternoon, and all day Friday off work, so more scraping coming up...... SWMBO is coming along at the weekend, so thats 2 hands to get the jobs done.... she's volunteered to set too with scrubbing the topsides, and then using Farecla G10 to get them perpared prior to using the Poliglow cleaner and then polish to get a real shine.... (that'll be a job for the future yet I suspect....) Also on the list (for SWMBO should she get that far - or me otherwise!) is to gently wet and drying down the painted stern in prep for a re-paint, and also cleaning up the prop..... a gentle wirebrush off, and then wet and dry in increasing grades until it reaches a fine shine! More piccies to come soon!

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