Monday 19 January 2009

Can't stop making things!

Finishing the first dodger seems to have set me off on a spree of making things!Besides being well underway with the second dodger, and having plans for a parbuckle, i've bought a flourescent jacket/waistcoat, that is being cut up to make a new flag for the danbuoy ( the old one is faded beyond sensible) and ordered a pile of diodes, resistors, transistors and light sensitive resistors to make an LED anchor light and a set of emergency nav lights.... i'll post up the diagrams when I make them, but for £25, i've got the bits to make an anchor light that consumes 50mA, and turns itself on an off, and has full redundancy, eg half the bits can fail and it'll still work, and a set of emerency nav lights that will consume a mere 25mA, and work at voltages as low as 10V should things get desperate on the battery front... oh the joys of winter's long dark evenings!

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