Sunday 22 November 2009

In the beginning...


Its a vicious, nasty habit... that suckers you in, and won't let go.... and slowly but surely (doesn't that sound like a line from War of the Worlds?) it kills you....

Along the way, it offers you passing pleasures including years on oxygen, loss of limbs through poor circulation and no sense of smell or taste.....

Only... there is hope..... here I am, a living breathing example of an addictive personality whom smoking had firmly in its grasp.... only it doesn't anymore..... you evil little sticks of death.... I have beaten you... hah... yes.. me... weak little me.... I have won.... you can't control me any more.... one month ago, I decided that I was in charge..... and stopped... no patches, or gum, or injections or pills.... just will power....

And my motivation?

I am going to run a triathlon..... an exercise in utter crass stupidity.....
...yet at the same time... an opportunity to do something very very special... something that so few achieve...

I was only planning to do a bit of running..... and then I read about this crazy bunch of people, the Pirate Ship of Fools... go look 'em up.... they specialise in encouraging people to run triathlons from a starting point of no experience and in creating a sense of fun and pleasure from the camaraderie of doing so.... they sound like a truly great bunch of people.... and then, I also read an account from a runner who had taken on the challenge previously.... she talked about someone crying at the start line as they realised the enormity of what they had taken on....

How could you fail to not be inspired by a challenge of that magnitude?

So.... here it is.... my story which will develop in the next few months.... within the year I will go from sad, unhealthy, heavy smoker, worrying about dying young, to triumphant triathlete.... come along for the ride why don't you?

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