A really productive day today courtesy of help from Jim....I stopped down Saturday night... i'd agreed to meet Jim at 08h30 on Sunday, and didn't fancy the really early start.... as it happens it worked out well, as Jim was early, and arrived at 08h00.... just as I opened the hatch!So... we did the sensible thing, and had a fried breakfast!The previous night, i'd managed to complete one other minor task... I swapped the pipes over for the sink sea water inlet, and the fridge drain..... the fridge never drained properly as the pipe looped above the bottom of the fridge, so that shoudl help... its not quite completely finished as I need a 90 degree elbow to fit the water inlet pipe in a way that doesn't foul the dustbin when the door closes..... but that's the work of a few mins....The breakfast didn't take long though, and soon enough, we were marking up for the Davits.... it took us until Lunch time to fit the first one.... we had to cut out the backing plates, and what with taking our time to ensure that we didn't make any stupid mistakes... it wasn't the fastest of jobs.... it was however, lovely and neat!We started the other side, and then lunch got in the way... Ham, Egg and Chips in the Shipwreck, wasjed down with a quick pint, and we were ready to finish the second davit.... which took significantly less time... we by now knew what we were doing, and it was in and sorted by 14h00....

Excuse the quality of the picture, its a mobile phone piccy... but I am pleased to bits with the davits.... they look very substantial, fit perfectly, and are very much in keeping with the boat.....So, with the davits behind us, we decided to take on another challenge... the cockpit speakers..... the first challenge was to remove the old VHF speaker.... which was more than adequately attached with sikaflex..... this eventually decided to let us remove it, after combinations of razor blades, screwdrivers and brute force.... it won't be re-useable i'm afraid!We hoped to use the wiring to this speaker to pull through the new speaker cables (we need extra cable for stereo speakers), and indeed it was looking good until just near the end, the join parted.... we ended up having to thread the cable by hand.... this was laborious..... but eventually fruitfull, and the cable was in... it was starting to rain, and by now 15h30, so a sensible decision was made to quit for the day... which we duly did......Really good progress, much to do... but a good start... many thanks for your help Jim.... it is very much appreciated.